It helps to talk to someone who's been in your shoes --
someone who gets what you're going through!
As a Wholistic Wellness Coach, I offer coaching in all aspects of wellness -- mindbody, nutrition, physical fitness and spiritual/faith. Coaching is individualized and developed to each client's unique goals. Whether you want coaching in all areas or only one area --
YOU decide!
Whether individual coaching or group coaching is your thing, I've got you covered!

One-on-One Coaching
Online coaching in the areas of MindBody, Fitness and/or Faith, depending on your goals.
Learn tools to:
Overcome fear, negative emotions & limiting beliefs
Calm the nervous system and eliminate symptoms
Apply Scripture to your life and grow your relationship with God
Feel confident and empowered in your body and mind
Live as if you are healed
See the Home page for more info on one-on-one coaching
See the Fitness page for more info on one-on-one Personal Training
1 session - $149
3 sessions - $399
6 sessions - $769
Book Below

Group Coaching
Online group mindbody coaching filtered through the lens of the Bible with fellow Christian coach, Kristina Carlton.
Expertise of 2 coaches
Learn, grow and heal with a like-minded community
Private coaching Facebook group
Blend neuroscience and Biblical healing tools
Live weekly meetings - 2 time options
Get your specific questions answered on Biblical brain retraining
Join our free private Facebook group here that is open to all yet separate from our elite paid group coaching private group
Affordable coaching option
One-on-one Coaching
149$1 sessionValid for one month- 1 session, email w/ action plan, support after
One-on-one Coaching
399$3 sessionsValid for 3 months- 3 sessions, email w/ action plan, in-between session support
- & support after last session
One-on-one Coaching
769$6 sessionsValid for 6 months- 6 sessions, email w/ action plan, in-between session support
- & support after last session